Home >> Sync EC2 Instance With S3 Bucket and S3 to ec2

Sync EC2 Instance With S3 Bucket and S3 to ec2

February 24, 2020

Create IAM User with full Access s3

GET Enter Access Key ID: and Secret Access Key:

sudo apt-get install awscli
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install awscli

Now Create Bucket in S3

Now Creat Config in ec2 to connect s3 configure

aws configure
Enter Access Key ID:
Secret Access Key:
region : us-east-1
format: json

sudo aws s3 sync s3://medtalk-ec2-s3-bk /var/www/s3-sync/ (s3to EC2)

sudo aws s3 sync /var/www/html/html/ s3://medtalkhtml/ ( EC2to s3 )